Journey Home with Jenn

Homes for Sale in Delaware with Jennifer Antonik

Prevent costly surprises by winterizing your home

Winter is coming, and it’s time to start preparing your home for the cold weather. By taking a few simple steps, you can help keep your home warm, comfortable, and safe.

I got to thinking about this topic today because it’s terribly cold outside and I need to do some things around my own home to stay safe this winter. But before we get into the actual tips, let me tell you about the time I thought my pipes BURST because of cold weather. I was terrified.

Picture this: It was last winter and all through the house, not a creature was stirring, okay, well maybe a mouse. We live near a field, what do you expect? Anyways… it was REALLY cold one night and I had not done a single thing to winterize my home. I didn’t know I had to do that – now I know better! But since I hadn’t taken the time to learn about winterizing my home, I didn’t think to turn the outside faucet off before the weather turned to freezing temperatures. All of a sudden, in the freezing cold of winter, my sink fridge stopped running. My dishwasher wasn’t working. I couldn’t get water out of my refrigerator. I was terrified to flush the toilets because who knew what would happen. Ultimately, after a panicked DAY and some change, we discovered that I had failed to remember to turn that outside faucet out which connects to the rest of the water supply to the inside of the house, too. Luckily for me, the only part that froze was right next to that outdoor faucet. While that faucet had to be replaced, I didn’t have to replace any piping and we didn’t have any other major catastrophes. So, I say all of that to say: TURN OFF YOUR OUTDOOR SPIGOT! And follow these other really great tips I didn’t think about either. Ha! Lessons learned, right?

  1. Inspect your roof and gutters. A leaky roof can allow water to seep into your home, causing damage to your walls, floors, and furniture. Check your roof for any cracks or damage, and make sure your gutters are clear of debris.
  2. Seal any drafts. Air leaks can let cold air into your home, making it harder to keep warm. Seal any cracks or gaps around windows, doors, and vents with caulk or weatherstripping.
  3. Insulate your home. Insulation helps to keep the heat in during the winter and the cool air in during the summer. If your home is not well-insulated, you may want to consider adding insulation to your attic, walls, and floors.
  4. Change your furnace filter. A dirty furnace filter can restrict airflow and make your furnace work harder to heat your home. Change your furnace filter every month during the winter months.
  5. Have your heating system serviced. A well-maintained heating system will run more efficiently and help you save money on your energy bills. Have your heating system serviced by a qualified technician at least once a year.
  6. Prepare your outdoor faucets. If you live in an area with freezing temperatures, you should wrap your outdoor faucets with insulation or heat tape to prevent them from freezing and bursting. (See the horror story above!)
  7. Clear your driveway and walkways. Snow and ice can make it dangerous to walk around your home. Clear your driveway and walkways as soon as possible after a snowfall. Friendly reminder that parking your car at the end of your driveway IS an option if you know you’ll have to escape at some point and point those wipers UP so you can get to those easily, too!
  8. Check your smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors. Smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors are essential for home safety. Make sure your smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors are working properly and that the batteries are fresh.
  9. Have a winter emergency kit. A winter emergency kit should include items such as food, water, flashlights, batteries, a first-aid kit, and a fire extinguisher. For more serious emergencies, don’t forget a book, cards, puzzles or other activities to this kit! Blankets, toe socks, etc. The list could go on and on!
  10. Stay informed about the weather. Be sure to stay informed about the weather forecast, especially if there is a chance of severe weather. If you are expecting a winter storm, make sure you have a plan in place.

By following these tips, you can help keep your home warm, comfortable, and safe during the winter months.

Additional Tips

  • If you have pets, make sure they have a warm place to stay during the winter.
  • If you are going to be away from home for an extended period of time, make sure you have someone check on your home and make sure the heat is turned on.
  • If you experience a power outage, be sure to have a flashlight and a battery-powered radio on hand.
  • If you have a fireplace, be sure to use it safely. Never leave a lit fireplace unattended.

Winter can be a beautiful time of year, but it can also be dangerous (and costly!). By taking some simple precautions, you can help keep your home and family safe. Why am I mentioning this on a real estate-type blog? Here’s the thing, the safer you keep your home, the less repairs you’ll have to do when you decide to sell. And, chances are, you’re hoping the next home you purchase will have been well-maintained, too. If you’re saving money for a new home, you certainly don’t want to have unexpected expenses along the way if you can avoid it! Winterizing your home is really a win-win all around!

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